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Se ti servono soluzioni per comunicare con il mondo, questo è il tuo blog!
Internazionalizzarsi significa avere a che fare con l'estero ma....
per andare all'estero bisogna parlare almeno L'INGLESE !
e tu...come sei messo? Attivati subito!
Sei hai già un'idea da progettare.... ricordati
Buon divertimento... !
perché.....chi si diverte, non si stressa!

martedì 1 maggio 2012

Business Marketing Plan

Get your comprehensive free report and video presentations to help you with business marketing strategies, starting own business, write business plan, marketing plan template, starting online business, find clients, increase customers, and attract and get more clients.

5 Marketing Lessons From The Muppets

What can Kermit and Co. teach companies about online marketing? A lot! In this video, Andrew Davis of Tippingpoint Labs takes a fun trip down memory lane to look at the 5 marketing lessons he learned from working at The Jim Henson Company. 

lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

Marketing strategy by Philip Kotler

Let's practice Business English listening to Philip Kotler lessons on Marketing Strategy

7 Ps of the Marketing Mix and strategies

Business Performance Expert and Performance Management Consultant Victor Holman illustrates the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix and strategies for managing your marketing campaigns. marketing mix, marketing, marketing strategies, product marketing, people marketing, what is marketing mix, market segmentation, marketing mix example, marketing mix strategies, promotion marketing, market mix, product mix, market planning, marketing process, marketing mix examples.

Marketing: Brand power by Philip Kotler

Let's listen to the world's most prolific marketing author. Professor Philip Kotler explains to us how brands create power and how the art of marketing is partly the art of branding.

lunedì 16 gennaio 2012

Office Phone Practice

Learn the most common phrases and expressions for making phone calls in English. You will learn how to answer the phone, how to ask to speak to someone, and how to take a message. If you ever need to make phone calls in English you will find that this lesson has all the most useful phrases you will need to be polite on the phone.

venerdì 6 gennaio 2012

Business English Tips: The art of persuasion in 5 steps

You´re in a meeting and you need to persuade a colleague, a client or a supplier. What technique do you use?

Monroe´s Motivated Sequence (MMS) is a simple and highly effective technique to logically order your ideas to persuade. There are 5 steps.

1) Get their attention – ask a question or use an usual fact.
Have you ever wondered why…?
What if…? If I told you we could…, would you be interested?
It’s hard to believe but…    Did you know that…

2) Explain the other person´s need
The problem is due to…
The problem is because of…
The problem is caused by…

3) Solution
Doing (solution)….will give us… (benefit).
(Solution)…. ensures we can… (benefit).
(Solution)…. will help us to do…(benefit). 

4) Visualise benefits – positive
Under this plan, we could see as much as a 35% increase in…
Imagine this, with a…
By implementing this plan immediately the company will see…

4) Visualise benefits  – negative
Without quick action the situation could…
If we don’t do anything the situation is going to…
If we don’t adopt this proposal there’s no telling what could happen.

5) Take action
We need quick action and we need it now. I recommend that we…
I need your help to implement a winning solution for all of us.
The first thing we need to do is….

Practice Makes Perfect!