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Se ti servono soluzioni per comunicare con il mondo, questo è il tuo blog!
Internazionalizzarsi significa avere a che fare con l'estero ma....
per andare all'estero bisogna parlare almeno L'INGLESE !
e tu...come sei messo? Attivati subito!
Sei hai già un'idea da progettare.... ricordati
Buon divertimento... !
perché.....chi si diverte, non si stressa!

lunedì 5 dicembre 2011

How to present yourself and your company

Most people are not good at presenting themselves or their company in a concise, simple and clear way. They want to tell you everything. This becomes even harder when working in English at an International Trade Fair.
Here are the 5 steps to develop your own script.
  1. We work with….”
  2. Who have a problem with…”
  3. What we do is…”
  4. So that…”
  5. Which means…”

We work withBe specific about your target market (kind of business, location etc)
Who have a problem with: Focus on what hurts for them, their main problem that gives them headaches. People pay attention and respond more to negatives.
What we do isExplain how your product/service solves their problem. Be clear, simple and concise and write one sentence of 15 words or less.
So that: Explain the function that the customer receives. For example, Blackberry enables you to instantly receive and send emails from anywhere in the world.
Which means: List the Top 3 benefits.

Here is an example of a Management Consultant who works with Directors of SMEs:

We work with the managing directors of fast-growing SMEs who have a problem with the pains of managing fast growth. We use our 15-20 years experience as directors of fast growing SMEs to work with them to develop practical solutions. So that you get practical and quick-to-implement business solutions. It means that you can exceed your targets and have the business and lifestyle that you want.

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