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Se ti servono soluzioni per comunicare con il mondo, questo è il tuo blog!
Internazionalizzarsi significa avere a che fare con l'estero ma....
per andare all'estero bisogna parlare almeno L'INGLESE !
e tu...come sei messo? Attivati subito!
Sei hai già un'idea da progettare.... ricordati
Buon divertimento... !
perché.....chi si diverte, non si stressa!

mercoledì 16 novembre 2011

Business English practice: telephone tips....

Get a meeting

So you have just come back from an international trade fair / event and you want to set up some meetings. What do you say? Here is script to help you in 3 situations.
Situation 1
Receptionist: Hello Ms.Diwani´s office. This is Isha how can I help you?
You: Good morning Isha. I recently met Ms.Diwani at (event) and she asked me to give her a call. Is she there?
Receptionist: I´ll put you through.
You: Hello is that Ms.Diwani. Hi this is (your name). We met recently at (event). You suggested i call you to talk about (their main problem). Do you have a few minutes to talk now?
Situation 2
Receptionist: Hello Ms.Diwani´s office. This is Isha how can I help you?
You: Good morning Isha. I recently met Ms.Diwani at (event) and she asked me to give her a call. Is she there?
Receptionist: No she´s in a meeting.
You: When would be the best time to speak to Ms.Diwani?
Receptionist: I´d suggest calling at 0930am tomorrow.
Situation 3
Receptionist: Hello Ms.Diwani´s office. This is Isha how can I help you?
You: Good morning Isha. I recently met Ms.Diwani at (event) and she asked me to give her a call. Is she there?
Receptionist: I´m not sure. What is it referring to?
You: Ms.Diwani. told me about (their main problem) and we talked about how our we solved this problem for (important client). She suggested meeting to discuss (their main problem) in more detail. Does Ms.Diwani have a few minutes to quickly talk now?

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